Members should receive their copies of the Summer 2022 Full Ahead later this week, with details of the Jubilee events and other news. We know it’s not long since the last one but the Spring 2022 issue was delayed by several factors and we wanted to get the Summer one out in time to advertise the Jubilee events on board Medway Queen; In the meantime here is a brief summary of what’s going on: Jubilee reminder and help wanted: The ship is now open to visitors on Saturdays as usual. The schedule for the extended Jubilee weekend has been posted online (but we must retain the right to make last minute changes according to circumstance). Following the weekend there will be a “Medway Queen Beside the Seaside” display at Medway Archives in Strood. Pam is looking for any MQPS members that can give us a few hours on one or more of these days, to talk to members of the public, or serve them with cream teas. If you feel you can, please contact Pam by email [email protected] 2022 Restoration plans: Lasting effects of the pandemic and a serious over-run of the Ramsgate project did not help our scheduling last year. Ramsgate did take longer than planned, and cost considerably more, but it achieved more than originally envisaged. The Board are now resetting the plan in line with available finances and projects may not be undertaken in the order shown below. The more income we can generate the more we’ll get done this year. We rely heavily of the generous support of our members and other individuals and organisations. We thank them all and, in particular, thank those of you who are contributing to the costs of this work programme. Medway Queen West (MQW):
MQW finished their early 2022 season of events with a successful 3 days at the Bristol Model Railway Exhibition. It was our first time at that show and if we can do go again next year we will hope to do even better. The model railway events, which make up most of MQW’s calendar, are grouped in the Spring and Autumn so the next planned outing is the International N Gauge Show in Warwickshire in September, then a series of shows through into November. One particular “nice little earner” is second hand model railway items. If anyone has suitable items they are prepared to donate for resale please get in touch: [email protected] On line and MQVC sales: After the usual post-Christmas lull online sales and visitor income are recovering. The Medway Queen publications and the Ryde book are playing their part and the Ryde book has been particularly popular since it was published last October. That book will shortly be available to people visiting the Breeze Restaurant at Island Harbour on the Isle of Wight, as well as at our Visitor Centre and online. |
January 2025