Continuing progress on board PS Medway Queen. Work continues on board the ship in the aft saloon and elsewhere. The new deck-house (top left) for the aft companionway will be installed soon, The engine room is being given a tidy up (Top and bottom centre) and temporary decking laid to improve access. In the saloon work has started on the deck head (top right). Among all this activity,"Woody" has found time to make this beautiful coffee table (bottom left) from original deck timber off-cuts and to celebrate his 83rd birthday with some of the other volunteers (bottom right). All pictures - Judith Maguire "Happy Birthday Woody!"
Work on board Medway Queen is progressing by leaps and bounds thanks to the generosity of our members and others and to the hard graft put in by volunteers and contractors alike. Electrical services have been upgraded and new fittings installed, the upper aft saloon is becoming a separate space within the ship with necessary fire protection. A first batch of cushions for the bench seats have been tried out and put into safe storage while work continues. The forward saloons have been spruced up and work should be under way on the galley any time now. The pictures speak for themselves. During the week the ship is a place of work and closed to visitors but she is open on Saturdays from 11am to 4pm (last admissions 3pm) so come down and see the progress first hand. Once this phase of work is complete we will be able to hire out the space and generate a revenue stream that will help towards further restoration.
Photos: Joe Stokes and Martin Goodhew
Our display included photographs, artefacts, books and publicity material as well as a “loop” of photographs and movie footage displayed on a monitor. Many visitors showed interest in our exhibition and Pam and I were able to use the occasion to publicise our restoration work and to encourage visitors to come to see the ship. We also used the opportunity to promote our presentations and we expect to hear from various societies who would like us to visit their group, with a view to giving our talk and showing our “Power Point” production. In past years we have been engaged by a number of different organisations, whose representatives have seen us at this event.
Mark Bathurst Photo: Mark standing ready for the rush - Martin Goodhew
Ronald Arthur Medhust was a Lance Corporal in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He too was picked up by MQ but, again, we do not have details of date etc.
The quest for information on our ship's history is continuous. If anyone can add to our knowledge please get in touch. Next year sees a significant anniversary of the Dunkirk Operation which we will mark in a number of ways and any extra information might help us in that. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] |
January 2025