Just to say that on the 1st November in Canterbury at the Premier Inn, at noon. I will be doing a sponsored abseil along with my boss Mr Alistair Hand, manager of Chatham Maritime Marina, to raise funds for the Medway Queen, please donate at www.justgiving.com/John-Kempton! I hope the thought of hon. vice-chair dangling from a building, will inspire you to donate, and also the thought of the pictures! Click here for more!So far we have received just under £500 of pledges through our Crowdfunder project! Help us to work towards our goal of £10,000 by pledging any amount. Make sure to check out the rewards we are offering too! click here to pledge !The Medway Queen Preservation Society have started a Crowdfunder project! Crowdfunder is a way of fundraising for a set amount of money through the website www.crowdfunder.co.uk. They are extremely popular, and have raised millions of pounds for all sorts of projects. Its a great thing for us to try as it doesn't actually cost anything to start up. If you look at our project, you can see there are different 'tiers', this means if you give a certain amount (e.g. £20) you get a gift of some sort. click here to visit our crowdfunder page!We have all sorts of amazing and unique rewards for you to pick up for certain amounts from only £5!. We think it is a great way for you to help us whilst also receiving something extra special! Make sure to pledge! If you can't donate to us, share the link, tell your friends! We appreciate anything anyone can do for us. PLEDGE JUST £5 FOR A REWARD!Its that time of year again.
We are open from the 12th - 14th September, from 11am - 4pm for the Heritage Open Days. Parking is available, but is restricted. Please note; think about the shoes you wear, shoes such as high heels are not appropriate to wear when on board. Below is the link to the Heritage Open Days website. http://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/directory/paddle-steamer-medway-queen1 We are currently looking for volunteers to aid in the manning of the Visitors Center on Saturdays.
11am - 3pm Responsibilities include meeting and greeting and other general duties. If you are interested in helping out, please call Brian Goodhew on 01795 843317 |
January 2025