Barry Ellen’s thirty year old model of Medway Queen, mounted on its carnival trailer, made its annual visit to the 1940s weekend at Chatham Dockyard on the 16/17th September. The model has had a major overhaul with navigation, masthead and purser’s office lights all now working. The impression of “steam up” being given by the smoke coming out of the funnel. This is thanks to Andrew Haskell who took on the overhaul job and who also towed the model round to the dockyard for the event.
We use this large local event to give out the latest information on Medway Queen’s progress and to “drum up” trade for the ship on subsequent weekends. This year we were in the excellent company of tribute acts to George Formby and Glenn Miller which added to the atmosphere. As usual it proved to be a busy weekend for giving out our details to prospective future visitors and for filling the collecting boxes. Thanks to all those who turned out as “crew” and to all those visitors who supported us. Brian Goodhew
Not long now to the Heritage Open Days weekend and the Art and Photographic Exhibition on board Medway Queen. Some exhibits have already been delivered (by prior arrangement) to the Visitor Centre and more are known to be on their way. Friday afternoon is the big set-up time when you can just turn up with exhibits and your entry form - which can be downloaded from our website. The show will be open, with some exhibits on sale, from 11am to 4pm on both Saturday 9th September and Sunday 10th. Remember, for this weekend only, admission to the ship is free for everyone. The souvenir and bookshop will be open of course and Roy still has secondhand transport related books for sale as well as the usual round of Medway Queen souvenirs, books and so on. It really is a busy weekend for the society! During this same weekend, Reading Support Group will be at The International N Gauge Show (TINGS) near Leamington Spa with their promotional and sales stand. This is one of the busiest shows in the group's diary and we hope that continues. Set up for us is on Friday 8th and then 2 full days Saturday and Sunday advertising Medway Queen and raising money for her. If model railways is your interest come and see us. Naturally, the society's promotional model railway wagons are one of the favourites at this event.
January 2025