WEB LINKS to other organisations
The links on this page are to external organisations. The New Medway Steam Packet Co. Ltd. (Medway Queen Preservation Society) has no control over their content and can accept no responsibility for these sites.
Sponsored Links (Click the icon)
Paddle Steamer websites
Other Historic Vessels
MV Balmoral
FS Jean-Bart (European Partner - H2C) Cambria SS Shieldhall MTB102 (Dunkirk Little Ship) Lightship LV21 Massey Shaw (Dunkirk Little Ship) Daniel Adamson SS Nomadic Lightvessel 72 Juno |
Steam Ship Cartela Trust
ST Challenge (Dunkirk Little Ship) Cervia Tug Kerne SS Freshspring VIC 96 VIC 56 Build The Lenox (Replica 17th century warship ) Lydia Eva TS Queen Mary Steam Boat Association |
Shipping Interest and Maritime Heritage
Friends and Supporters
Venice Arsenal Study Centre
Vintage Spirit magazine Medway & Swale Boating Association Medway UTC Hoo Ness Yacht Club National Piers Society Sun Pier House (Art center at Sun Pier, Chatham) Island Harbour Marina (Isle of Wight) Classic Boat Museum (Isle of Wight) |