We climb back up the stairs through the forward saloon and up onto the promenade deck. Emerging just behind the bridge. Stroll down towards the stern and leave the vessel via the access ramp.
Don't rush off. Take a minute to admire this beautiful old ship. To picture her out on the estuary loaded with excited holiday makers or battling through continual air attack to rescue men from Dunkirk. Later in the war her mine-sweeping duties took her up the East Coast and as far as Scotland. No place for a lightly built paddle steamer in all weathers and at all times of the year! The paddle wheels look big when you stand by them on the quayside or look at a photo like the one to the right. This is where the power of that mighty engine caused the ship to move through the water. They look big don't they. See the restored paddle wheel (below) in the dockyard in Bristol - they really are BIG! At the same time admire the beautifully rebuilt paddle box fascia.
Photos Above: Medway Queen in service, leaving Southend. MQPS Collection. Left: The real size of a paddle wheel. Bob Stokes. Far left: Rebuilt paddle box fascia - Jean Perry |
That concludes our tour, thank you. Of course it's not a patch on the real thing so why not
visit the old ship properly in Gillingham. Full details are on this website.
visit the old ship properly in Gillingham. Full details are on this website.