On the 16th of January 2014, the INTERREG IV A 2 Seas Programme capitalisation working group has approved the application for cluster “Maritime Heritage Skills: Preserve, Develop, Share” (MHS) of which the New Medway Steam Packet Company Ltd is the Lead Partner. The Heroes 2C project will join forces with the “Traditional Maritime Skills” (TMS) project, another 2 Seas project which aimed at preserving traditional boat building skills in the 2 Seas area. The MHS cluster will concentrate on consolidating & disseminating the results achieved by Heroes 2C and TMS projects in terms of training for disadvantaged groups of society and preservation of traditional maritime skills. This new cross border partnership is ERDF funded and will enable the society to work and collaborate with the following partners across the 2 Seas region: Cornwall Marine Network (UK) MidKent College (UK) Association Tourville (FR) VDAB (BE) Vzw De Steenschuit (BE) Province of Zeeland (NL) Foundation for Cultural Heritage Zeeland (NL) Rotterdams Welvaren (NL) Project activities will start on 1st of March 2014 and will be directed towards the organisation of promotional events in Cornwall (UK) and Zeeland (NL) where cross border training programmes in traditional maritime skills will be presented to young people and other disadvantaged groups of society. We are delighted to be leading this project and to be working with our new (and old) European partners in the very near future ! Antoine Porteneuve MHS Cluster Coordinator New Medway Steam Packet Company Ltd Comments are closed.
January 2025